Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The nut behind the wheel

Last month I shared with you an extreme example of parking like an asshole. (In the UK, it’s known as “parking like a twat”.) Well, yesterday on my morning walk, I found another.

It’s in a very small parking lot for people who use the W&OD biking trail. There are 12 marked parking spaces, all on one side of the lot. You can’t have spaces on the other side of the area because then there wouldn’t be room to swing into or out of a slot.

But that didn’t stop this crackbrain:

Parking this way rendered the last three spaces inaccessible to vehicles. And, as you will notice, there were plenty of legit, marked slots available.

But, hey, no one’s going to nick his side panels by opening their doors.



©2024 Bas Bleu



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