My usual morning walk circuit takes me up the W&OD trail, where just before I hang a right, I see what the People’s Republic of Boston Properties is pleased to call Reston Town Center. It’s an appalling sight—an ugly, badly-designed conflation of concrete high-rises pretending to be meaningful.
That ugliness is not helped by the knowledge that every retailer and restaurant in the place is part of a chain; like the “center”, they’re nothing you can’t find in scores of other places. Really, it's a gigantic middle finger thrusting up out of the quasi-wild greenery that used to be this whole area. And it's so full of itself. There's a pink-ish hotel, the afore-mentioned chain-store boutiques, but no swinging hot spot. The People's Republic does not do swinging hot spots.
So of course today’s earworm is Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi”.