Friday, August 18, 2017

Planetary alignment

As we get closer to the total eclipse of the sun on Monday, things are getting increasingly weird.

As you’d expect, tbh.

If you’d like a for example, here’s an advert (probably from Craigslist) for a, well, take a look:

The woman who posted it on Twitter was wondering whether she should toss her, erm, hat into the ring:

But it turns that she doesn’t meet the cats requirement, which appears to be a deal-breaker.

But here’s what I was wondering on my Metro ride home: what, exactly, is the feline involvement meant to be in this act of cosmic whatever? Is this something PETA should be aware of? And how does the nitrous oxide figure into it?

Well, I wonder, but I’m not going to inquire. Not sure I want to see the response.

Thursday, August 17, 2017

...may the good Lord deliver us

The Washington Post occasionally annotates stuff going on, largely to do with the Kleptocrat, because someone needs to do a blow-by-blow breakdown of his monstrous porkies. And they did so on Tuesday, parsing li’l Donnie Two-Scoops’s train wreck at the Towering Dumpster Fire on Monday.

You owe it to yourself to read it, with the annotations, and the comments on the annotations. I do not know the person with the handle BarbWire, but I would be proud to buy him/her a beverage of his/her choice, anytime, anywhere.

Another interesting thing about said train wreck was this shot of Klepto's current chief of staff John F. Kelly and a couple of aides watching his performance.

Remember that Kelly is a career Marine, and consider what it takes for a retired USMC general to slump like that. Also, the two men at the right appear to be calling upon the Almighty to deliver them from this abomination.

But further to my point yesterday about him being a foot-stamping hissy-throwing pouty-face loser—here’s his response to CEOs bailing out of his advisory council on CEO stuff:

Yes, he’s taking his tiny balls and going home..

(This is a turnaround from his response 24 hours earlier, when they first started streaming out:)

And actually, apparently the Kleptocrat just said he's closing down his CEO clubs. But in fact the remaining CEOs notified him that they were disbanding, so he's taking credit for it.

25th Amendment, folks. Time for the 25th.

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

We are so screwed

Right—back to Nazis, again.

Because when the Kleptocrat’s grudging reading of a statement Monday condemning the racist neo-Nazis’ violence in Charlottesville over the weekend did not bring the adulation he thought he was due, he first tweeted his pique:

Then he let his inner foot-stamping adolescent out by flouncing out this stream of absolute false-equivalence lunacy yesterday.

And you know what? I can’t even. It’s not just the complete cognitive dissonance in his imaginary both-sides-were-equally-at-fault, or the obvious anger that being president isn’t as much fun as he thought it was going to be. This sad, ridiculous, pouty, racist loser has access to the finest nuclear arsenal ever amassed, and he’s entirely capable of ordering a strike on Pyongyang, Caracas or the Washington Post just because it occurs to him that he can and we can’t.

There is not one single redeeming quality in his entire makeup.


Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Call Terminix, or Webster

Today I am sick of Nazis, white supremacists and their ilk, inside the White House and all over the country, so I’m taking a little break, via this play on words and software development:

Monday, August 14, 2017

Gratitude Monday: FTS

Here are a few thoughts about the events in Charlottesville over the weekend:

White supremacist neo-Nazi thugs showed up in military-manqué cammos, with their tiki torches and assault weapons, industrial-strength CS gas and riot shields, to proclaim their outrage at the removal of a statue of Robert E. Lee from a public park. 

(The angry white racist to the right, Peter Cvjetanovic, 20, a student at the University of Nevada, Reno, has since told media repeatedly that he's not an angry, shouting white racist, but a white supremacist who "as a white nationalist, [he cares] about all people."

Underlying their outrage is the Make-America-White-Again Weltanschauung that life is a pie, and that any part of that pie that goes to someone else means less for themselves.

They waved Confederate and Nazi flags proudly, apparently unaware of the irony that the last flags raised by both Confederates and Nazis were white, and represented unconditional surrender.

Anti-racist protestors showed up carrying hand-made signs.

So, when violence broke out, including the ramming of chanting, sign-carrying anti-fascist marchers by a car, killing Heather Heyer, 32, and injuring many others…

…what would a reasonable observer conclude about where responsibility lies? On “many sides”?

(At the time of writing, there are three dead: Heyer, killed by the car driven by James Alex Fields, Jr., and two Virginia State Troopers, whose helicopter crashed into trees near the city  on Saturday afternoon.)

Also: if a few hundred non-white people showed up—just showed up, not carrying weapons of any kind—in any city in the nation, what are the odds that police forces from multiple jurisdictions would have been deployed to arrest them at the slightest misstep (“Littering, Joe—they’re tossing their gum wrappers in our streets! Round ‘em up.”), probably before they’d got a couple of hundred yards?

Assuming they were even granted a parade permit.

So, why were Charlottesville (and Albemarle County) cops so notable by their absence? Starting with the tiki-torchlight parade-and-rally Friday night, and into the appalling events of Saturday—what, exactly, were they doing?

(Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe has since defended the [non-]actions of the police by saying they were outgunned by the Nazis. Which is a load of crap. Outgunned, assuredly, but why? You knew these thugs were coming, and you knew they would be armed to the teeth. Have you never heard of preparing? Badly done, Virginia. Badly done.)

Well, it’s Gratitude Monday. They say that the very act of trying to find something to be thankful for (even if you fail) is a key to happiness. So here’s what I’m grateful for:

Those fat, pathetic, losers with compensation issues in their paramilitary dress-up clothes limited their willie-waving to spraying CS gas, beating people with poles and killing only one person (may her memory be a blessing); at least they did not start firing their weapons into the crowds.

This time.