Monday, July 22, 2024

Gratitude Monday: hearing it

I gotta say—after the past week, I was feeling like there’s not much for me to be grateful for. Republicans fucking terrify me, Democrats just screwed the pooch and my hip problem just doesn’t seem to want to resolve itself. I thought I was going to have to reach for something like, “I thought I’d run out of ricotta because I couldn’t find it in the fridge, but then remembered that I last bought it at Trader Joe’s, and it was a blue container, not a red one.”

But then I recall a chat with a friend on Friday, who cut through my bullshit and suggested that instead of focusing on a project, I should come to grips with the much larger one—purpose. Which, of course, is a shit-ton more challenging, but also is at the base of all my miasma.


So today—again—I’m grateful for the support and insights of friends, who will say things out loud when you need to hear them but can’t shape your mouth around them.



©2024 Bas Bleu



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