Monday, September 13, 2021

Gratitude Monday: A friend's success

Two years ago, when I was in a job search that ended with me in my aspirational job with my aspirational company in my aspirational field (where I have been two years this week), one of my biggest supporters was my friend, CN. She’s the person who articulated what I needed to do: play to win, as opposed to playing not to lose. And that was my lodestar at every step of the search.

Well, last year, the company where she was working was acquired by another company, and she got laid off. Since then, we’ve met generally once a week (remotely) to talk through her search. My function was to keep her honest, to be that person who calls—in the nicest possibly way—shenanigans when she tried to talk herself into settling for something she didn’t really like.

It’s easy to do that, when you’re looking for work; you start applying for things you absolutely have zero interest in, just to get a job. I periodically reminded her that this sort of thing was playing not to lose, and that she needed to play to win.

Also, I reminded her that she is absolutely capable of winning.

I am happy to report that last week she got an excellent offer from a company that reframed the position they had after listening to her talk about what she can do for them. She starts in two weeks.

And that’s what I’m grateful for today: CN’s hard work, focus and persistence has paid off. #playingtowin



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