Friday, February 28, 2020

Happiness is...

I’m heading home from RSAC, and I have to say I am more than ready. I’m also very, very glad indeed that I should be able to start the hyaluronate injections next week.

I’ve learned lots, lots of which I need to organize and report on. But I’ll leave you with these pix of happiness sponsored by a company called ThreatQuotient. Each year they bring in puppies—adoptable puppies—from local shelters.

Also, apparently, an adoptable pig this year.

That's an FBI dog checking out the pig:

Steps: a skosh over 7,000.

Peace out.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Champagne and socks

RSAC, Day Three. Steps: >9300.

Started out the day synching with my Amsterdam colleague (who’s in Pune this week), and then went to a Courageous Women in Cyber brunch held at a Brazilian restaurant across the street from Moscone that’s been taken over for the week by one of the companies.

They were pouring Veuve Clicquot, so I had a glass. The speaker was very good, too.

(Side note: why does Microsoft spellcheck recognize veuve, but not Clicquot?)

At the conference, I sat through enough demos (operative term being “sat”—seriously, I’d have stuck out a revival meeting if I got to sit) to take back to the hotel eight more tee-shirts, a travel umbrella, a wireless mouse, a wireless charging pad, a $5 Starbucks card and a pair of socks. I also attended a talk on using AI and machine learning for digital forensics.

Additionally, I went to a lunch at the Children’s Creativity Museum. I could not eat, due to the brunch, but I ended up having quite a good chat with a couple of product managers from other companies.

By evening, however, I bagged all the parties except the one hosted by the competitor that was such a snot to me on Tuesday. I reckoned they owed me a drink. And maybe some loose talk.nThen I went to dinner with some colleagues, including the SVP. When I got that invitation mid-afternoon, I thought it might be a career-limiting move to decline.

I need your thoughts and prayers, folks. There’s still another full day of this to go.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Competing interests

Day Two of RSAC; steps: more than 12,000. Here’s Moscone South just before the Expo opened:

I mooched around the halls for much of the day, channeling my inner blonde asking competitors questions about their products. Mostly I got away with it. Dave, a sales engineer with one company was mansplaining things no end. Then his colleague Kyle, having apparently looked at my badge, started asking questions about my job. Kyle clearly did not hold with sharing info.

Guy from another company flat out told me, “You’re a competitor. We’re not going to tell you anything.”

Well, joke’s on him, because I’m going to their sponsored party tonight. They haven’t disinvited me from that.

Also, we’ll crush them like a bug.

Speaking of parties, I limited it to three last night. I only went to the third one because it was the personal-via-LinkedIn invitation to the event at the fancy steakhouse. Also, it’s within staggering distance of my hotel and the other two parties. I bagged number four.

And I had to mess with JIRA tickets when I got back in the evening.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Security socials

Day One of RSAC. Kind of proto-day, actually. Yesterday they were finishing up the seminars and such. The keynotes, talks and expo open today.

Actually, yesterday evening there was a boozy-foody preview of the expo, and I did a reco to pinpoint my target competitors. That counts as one of the five parties I hit. I had to bag three others, because enough is enough. By the time I got to number five, even though it was held at a bar with premium liquor on offer, I was guzzling sparkling water, because two parties earlier the other premium booze place made a margarita with 2/3 tequila and Cointreau and a splash of lime, so that was me pretty well gone. Even though I didn’t finish it.

These were just the events I could walk to.

I can’t tell you how sorry I am I missed the CyberTacos party. It was at a tequila bar, which I’d purely love to experience. I’d have splashed out for an Uber ride, and there was another thing going on within walking distance of that. But a girl’s gotta know her limitations.

Steps: more than 11,500. And it’s not a full conference day. I am properly glad I brought that muscle roller stick. I put it to use on the soles of my feet.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Gratitude Monday: expanding knowledge

I’m headed out to the RSA Conference this week. It’s the mother of all cyber security conferences, and this is my first time there with anything but an expo-only pass.

I’m massively grateful that I snagged a room at the Marriot Marquis, next to Moscone Center. That saves me half-a-mile walks each way to and from the conference. As part of the full-on experience, I’ve registered for every party that let me. (Interestingly, about a week after I was confirmed at one of them, I got an email telling me I’d been disinvited, because “we reserve space for our customers, and don’t allow competitors in”. Well, tbh, I didn’t even know who they are; I saw the term “soirée” and hit Register. Their loss.

Also, every company in attendance is a competitor on some level, so that’s going to restrict the critical mass some.

There are a couple I have to attend, because they’re hosted by competitors we’re particularly interested in. (I’m going to let my inner blonde out and encourage all kinds of conversation after folks have had a few post-expo libations.) But I’ll have to cull many of the others, because I’m registered at a minimum of three and a maximum of six for each of the four nights I’m there.

Oh, the other must-go (fortunately not on one of the target-competitor nights) is the “Luxury Whiskey Tasting” one. I can’t remember who’s throwing it. I just know I’ll be there and hope their idea of luxury whiskey isn’t bourbon.

There’s one more, at ALX Steakhouse, one of the nights (Tuesday?). Someone reached out to me via LinkedIn to invite me to that one. I said sure, but we’ll see. I know neither him, nor his company nor the steakhouse. If it conflicts with one of the target competitors, well, I’ll have to send my regrets.

It’s interesting that some companies—notably IBM—have pulled out of RSA this year. Because coronavirus. Maybe that’s why I was able to get the room at the conference HQ hotel. Yesterday the conference app sent out a message advising everyone attending to wash our hands thoroughly (for at least 20 seconds) about 16 times per hour.

My suitcase is packed, with lots of room for collateral materials from competitors and swag from everyone. Mostly what’s there is a muscle roller, anti-pain gel, extra pair of walking shoes, cushioned socks, extra-strength Tylenol, prescription-strength NSAID and a few tabs of oxy, for the worst-case scenario. I’m grateful for the opportunity to experience this conference, and I don’t want it ruined by pain.