Friday, February 17, 2023


I was taking a knee-icing break from work yesterday and had an opportunity to gaze out on a somewhat dreary NoVa day. This is the song that came to mind, so I’m sharing it with you.




Thursday, February 16, 2023

Being social

Today I present three guides to social media.

You’re welcome.



Wednesday, February 15, 2023


These little guys have once again popped up in my back garden. I didn’t plant the winter aconite; they came with the property, although I don’t see them in any of my neighbors’ yards.

Every year they pop up in January-February, whether it’s through snow or not. They make me so happy.



Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Before the storm

Well, okay, then—as of 0922 yesterday, Trader Joe’s was locked and loaded for today:


Monday, February 13, 2023

Gratitude Monday: Figure 4

Thursday I sent my yoga instructor a list of poses I thought I could/could not do and asked if we could get a Friday-afternoon lesson out of them. I hadn’t had a lesson since the day before surgery and I really don’t like going that long without the boost.

When time came for the lesson on Friday, I wasn’t sure I could go through with it—I had several meetings that day, including one 90-minute one, and I’m still working out how to sit at my desk with any degree of comfort. Come yoga time, my knee was stiff, I was tired and I was feeling pretty crappy, truth be told.

But we started in, and I have to say that I felt so much better, both physically and mentally, afterward. I managed very careful windshield wipers, elongated bound ankle, modified figure 4, almost-bridge against the wall and a slightly wobbly Warrior II. No kneeling, no crossed legs. A considerable amount of time was spent figuring out how to transition from one position to another, since one knee wasn’t bending (and I was a little concerned about splitting open the incision), but it was a good session, and when it was done I felt looser and stronger, which had a huge impact on my mental state.

So that’s my gratitude today: the blessing of a yoga lesson.