Friday, February 18, 2022

A spring song

In honor of the imminent second-invasion-in-eight-years of Ukraine by Russia, today’s earworm is the Ukrainian Eurovision entry video for last year.

If you’re unfamiliar with Eurovision, I’m not going to explain it to you, because I can’t. But SoMe gets as drunk as a World Cup final match, but possibly with fewer bar fights.

The electro-folk group Go_A represented Ukraine at Eurovision. "Shum" translates as "noise", but is the personification of the forest in Ukrainian folklore, and this video—combining a Mad Max with a frozen steppes vibe—seems appropriate at this moment. Go_A finished fifth, if you're asking.





Thursday, February 17, 2022


I dunno whether there’s a wine supply chain issue and Wegman’s was just scrambling to fill gaps on their shelves, or maybe they got Baptists or the geography-challenged stocking the bottles, but I was struck by this product positioning last week:

(If you cannot read the label, Kendall Jackson are a California winery.)

Evidently there is a shortage of Sancerre—about which, desolée—but that’s not Italian, either, so I just dunno.



Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Not immediately clear

I was on my morning walk one day last week when I noticed this sign somewhere.

Even when I zoomed in on it, I had no clue.

Only now, after picking out a few individual letters and looping in my knowledge of signage, have I parsed it to be saying, “No parking or standing Fire lane”

I have a feeling that anyone getting a ticket off this has a legit case in court.



Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Personal transport

It’s been a while since we’ve had a drop of vanity plates, so why not?

I liked this one on a red Mini:

Got a kick out of this…on a white car:

Given the winter Olympics, this one is rather timely:

I do not know how this made it past the Old Dominion’s Baptist Taliban:

And I’ll close with the bee:



Monday, February 14, 2022

Gratitude Monday: tiny things

Friday the temperature here in the District They Call Columbia hit 65F. Saturday was in the 50s and 60s. Then yesterday we got a dusting of snow. Here’s what it looked like on my morning walk.

And yet, last week I noticed that the teeny-tiny winter aconite was popping up all over my back yard.

And even its coating of snow doesn’t bother it.

That’s what I’m grateful for today: Nature doing her thing, despite the weather.