Friday, March 11, 2022

I know where I'm not going

Yeah, two weeks into the invasion of Ukraine, we’re seeing the Russians amping up their war crimes, and every day is a new horror show. And it’s going to get worse as the economic sanctions tighten around Putin.

So let’s have Bonnie Raitt singing “I Will Not Be Broken”, since that’s one sure thing we know about Ukrainians. Whatever happens, and however long the Russians stay on Ukrainian soil, they will never break.


Thursday, March 10, 2022

New life

I said the other day that I am totally ready for Spring.

Well, we're getting there.

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Pray silence

On one of my walks, I noticed…well, a bit of an oddity. To be precise, a cross made of pebbles at the base of a tree.

Then I looked at the tree.



Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Iced February

We’ve had two days of temps in the 70s here in the District They Call Columbia, so I’m going to share some pix I took just <checks notes> a week and a half ago of my morning walk after an overnight ice storm.

It’s beautiful, but you do have to watch where you’re walking.

Also, I’m ready for Spring.



Monday, March 7, 2022

Gratitude Monday: ordinary things

The news from Ukraine is horrifying, not just the targeting of civilian populations or the Russian takeover of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear plant (the largest in Europe). Nor even the fact that Putin’s threats become more grandiose the longer the Ukrainians trash his army. It’s all of it together, and the totality of it weighs me down.

So this video of a German woman who’s got a friendship with crows lifts my spirits. I’m grateful that it exists on the Web, and that someone sent it to me. It reminds me that, with all the viciousness, cruelty and inanity humans can come up with, there's still good stuff out there. It also reminds me of the joy of looking away from the screen and out onto nature around me. I’ve watched it about six times since yesterday morning, and I’m sharing with you.

You’re welcome.