Thursday, September 17, 2020

Packing heat

 I’ve mentioned that I love candles, and that IKEA is a great source for them.

Well, after my last post on the matter, I discovered that IKEA was having a sale on tea lights, so I placed an order for them, and a few others. I did not feel like schlepping down to Potomac Mills, and pandemic and all, so I just had them shipped.

They do a good job of updating you on deliveries, so I knew when the shipment was coming. But when it did, I was surprised to see a carton big enough to live in:

I mean, I didn’t think I’d bought enough candles to fill a 32” x 17” x 14” container. I wondered what else those Sons of Scandinavia might have tossed in.

Well, no—it turns out they just wrapped the living daylights out of my candles. Here’s the packing material after I unraveled it all:

Here’s the actual haul:


I think I’m pretty well set for a few months.




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