Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Under the seal

I have a Costco membership for several reasons. One is that gas prices are always 20 or 30 cents lower than in the Ville. Also, I buy butter by the four-pound block for my various baking endeavors. I start getting nervous when the supply in my freezer drops below 12 pounds.

But I also get my Greek yoghurt from Costco—Greek yoghurt costs way more than regular and it’s considerably cheaper than the supermarkets or Trader Joe’s. Moreover, it lasts a long time (look—yoghurt is essentially milk that’s already gone bad when you buy it), so buying it in 48-ounce tubs is cost effective for me.

Also—fewer trips out to get it.

But here’s something that’s a little unusual about my most recent purchase:

A little flower from the dairy gods.




©2024 Bas Bleu


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