Thursday, September 10, 2020

Collegial communications

  Last week I was fixing to close up my laptop when one of my colleagues pinged me on Teams. It turned out to be one of the more lunatic exchanges, primarily down to autocorrect. Here’s how it started:


Now, there coud be a couple of reasons why she might inquire. We’re looking at the final (please God) furlongs of this product launch race, and they may be inquiring of every one in the team  what their libation preference might be. (A couple of weeks ago, the PA to the EVP sent round a email asking “if someone (say e-staff) offered to buy you a drink, what would you order, and why?” My response was Kir Royale, because Champagne is my substance of choice and the apéritif reminds me of so many dinners in France.

(Well, I don’t know whether that wasn’t a good answer, or whether there are two possibilities for booze in my future. Perhaps related to the launch, or to my upcoming first anniversary with the organization; as yet I do not know what rites of passage they have here.)

 But back to the text exchange. It just got better:


I completely love the conflation of all whiskey as bourbon. So I told her one of my choices:

And confessed that the Autocorrect mishap was still setting off giggles in me.

 But here’s the cherry on top:


Turns out she's talking a yoga mat with a company logo on it. Now that’s way cool.

I can think of no other company for which I’ve worked where I could have had such a Mad Hatter convo with a colleague that left me in stitches. That’s why I love this place.



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