Wednesday, September 9, 2020


Sorry, folks. I got caught up yesterday in several Twitter threads by a dual-citizenship (Scots-French) writer living in Dordogne on his various encounters with Brexit loons who do not grasp the irony (and hypocrisy) of being racist xenophobes believing that Brexit keeps Britain for the British while at the same time being outraged that their privileges as EU citizens owning property in France for holidays/retirement will end on 31 December, with or without a “deal”. By the time I extracted myself from the last three months, I was a couple of hours in the hole.

Then I had to make up the time on work-related activities, so I’m at a loss for what to give you today.

Well, there’s always vanity plates. How about this one: a Virginia license plate declaring one’s Scottishness in French?

Seems apropos.

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