Monday, August 17, 2020

Gratitude Monday: back to school

For the first time in about forever, yesterday was not stinkin’ hot, as a friend of mine says. It was in the upper 60s when I made my 0800 Trader Joe’s run, so after I got the groceries put away, I decided to take a real, actual walk.

You know—#homework.

Dang, but it was grand to get out and take a look at what Mother Nature’s been up to in the heat and humidity. Here are a few waterlily-related shots from the pond at the corporate HQ behind my house:


 I don’t recall seeing water lilies so tall before; these were at least four feet out of the water:

Here’s a lily thing on the hoof:

And one decomposing:

A pond snail shell:

Some other water plants:

And a bee attending to them:

And I just liked this:

That’s my gratitude for today: back into homework.

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