Thursday, July 2, 2020

White privilege

The other morning on my #homework walk, I noticed a Fairfax County cop car parked at the far end of a church parking lot. The car had its lights on, which is why I twigged to it, but it didn’t move during the time I was there. I reckoned its occupant was eating breakfast, or maybe having a kip.

But I also considered how different I might have reacted if I weren’t a middle-aged white woman viewing it. I also considered what the cop might have done were I not a middle-aged white woman.

So I did some bolshie photo-taking of some of the rose bushes at the edge of the lot, taking my sweet time about it:

I finished off by ostentatiously taking a shot of the car, too.

Because I just felt pissed off about the state of our country.

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