Monday, October 19, 2015

Gratitude Monday: Even without the rain

Here in the Valley They Call Silicon (well, all over California, really), we’re waiting impatiently for El Niño. You know, the climate event that moves a whole lotta rain from the Eastern Pacific to the Western Pacific. We’re four years into a drought that’s fixing to turn the Golden State into the Brown State, and we really need the water.

Now, I know that the instant we get a few sprinkles, the streets of Santa Clara County are going to flood, because they aren’t banked properly to sluice the run-off into the sewers. But still—we need the water.

Meanwhile, I’m really grateful that we occasionally get enough clouds (even without any rain) at either sunrise or sunset to paint spectacular pictures across the skies once or twice a day.

Here’s one that was just getting started:

And here it is a few minutes later:

See what I mean?

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