Wednesday, July 15, 2015

It's all in the definition

A friend who’s never worked in the software industry offered to help me explore the job market in his area, and he asked for a copy of my résumé. Well, the level of what he calls jargon about broke his brain, so I sent him a second copy, this time annotated with some definitions.

You know—marketing-type stuff like value propositions, sales enablement tools, messaging, and go-to-market planning. Also, in the software product management line, such terms as product roadmaps and feature-benefit presentations.

(And let me say that I understand perfectly how opaque a résumé for someone in a different field can be. I’ve helped friends in tech support and user experience design—both of them areas my work has occasionally touched—rewrite theirs, and at a certain point in each discussion I had to say, “Okay, I assume that when you say [blah-blah-blah] your target reader is going to know what you’re talking about, right?”)

There’s a whole language specific to this industry that users are not privy to. In fact—if you’re doing it right, there’s no reason on earth why they should know that that language exists. All that should be visible to them is when they fire up their device, does the application do what they were told it would do in the manner they were led to expect that it would, without making them tear their hair out in the process? Yes?—fine. No?—#fail.

So, understanding that there’s a whole world of humanity out there that does not have the vocabulary to get this visual joke, I’m still putting it out there. On account of it makes me laugh every time I look at it.

Hint: you may think you’re seeing one thing, but the product manager will tell you it's a…

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