Thursday, April 9, 2009

Break in the economic gloom

Apparently there are ways of looking at the collapsing economy as an opportunity, & the example is from a completely unexpected source: the travel industry is wooing people suddenly faced with more leisure time than anticipated.

Yes, those same people who pile on the charges when it comes to you wanting to change your itinerary, cancel a tour package or travel alone are now bending every which way to lure folks who’ve been laid off, or (as in California) furloughed.

Airlines have announced they’ll refund fares & cruise lines are offering Hyundai-like options to get a full cancellation refund (even if in mid-cruise) for travelers who can prove they’ve been axed.

On the up side—those with severance packages (or retention bonuses accepted as the staff walked out the door) can get really good deals. After all—they’ve got the money, honey, AND the time, so—Kismet.

In the Golden State, ski resorts are offering all sorts of discounts to state employees who’ve been furloughed. Again—time on their hands, ski runs otherwise empty, win-win.

Once the economy gets back on its feet, the airlines will return to their normal level of indifference, inflexibility & arrogance that passes for customer service.

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