Monday, August 19, 2024

Gratitude Monday: a reminder

Giving the ongoing problems with my hip, I rolled the dice last week and scheduled a yoga lesson for Friday. I haven’t been able to do yoga for more than a month, and the couple of sessions I’ve had since late May have resulted in real pain and restricted range of motion, so it really was a gamble.

I really love yoga and going so long without it diminishes me. Perhaps even more than not being able to take 7000-step walks every day. But when you can’t bend down to rummage in the crisper drawer of the refrigerator without doing an arabesque because the muscles across your hip are just not having it, yoga is truly a non-starter.

Well, Friday morning I had my PT session, which left me in a little pain. About half-way between that and my afternoon yoga lesson, I took a hit of diclofenac, which mitigated it.

Yoga was half upper-body twisties, which I love, and half restorative. Because my instructor and I hadn’t had a conversation in weeks, we pretty much chatted our way through the lesson.

I felt somewhat “pulled” afterwards, and took a second tab of the NSAID to get me through the night.

But here’s the thing: Saturday and yesterday, I had some discomfort, but no pain. And I was able to walk and do my PT exercises without ill effects. I was reminded of what it’s like to be fit and healthy, which I haven’t felt for months.

And that’s my gratitude for today. I don’t know how long this will last—Lord knows, this situation has ebbed and flared on its own timetable. But I’m grabbing this while I can.


©2024 Bas Bleu



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