Monday, August 26, 2024

Gratitude Monday: coming together

Big gratitude today—after watching the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, I have hope for the upcoming elections.

It’s not just that in Kamala Harris and Tim Walz we have candidates for president and vice president who are competent, compassionate and courageous. It’s that the entire four days displayed the best that we as Americans have to offer. Energy, focus, a clearly articulated message. And joy.

Both inside and outside the aptly-named United Center, the Democratic party understood the assignment and came to get things done. (For once, MSM had to put away their “Dems in disarray” boilerplate.) And for someone who can remember the police riot that dominated the 1968 Chicago convention, I was absolutely gobsmacked and filled with delight to watch thousands of many-hued people come together to dance this platform into existence.

(It didn’t hurt that Republicans all the way up to the spongy orange top were seething throughout the DNC. Whole lotta sniffing about crowd size and some really vile remarks about Tim Walz’s 17-year-old son Gus from the righteous “don’t go after the children” set when the child in question was Republican. Also, the Kleptocrat could not get over being called “weird”; he proclaimed, “I try to be nice,” which should have set the entire world aroar with laughter, but he’s now going to engage in name calling because “I’m entitled.” Well—we knew that already, didn’t we?)

Anyhow—there’s a lot of work to do before 5 November. Republicans are already suiting up to suppress votes and set the stage for non-certification of votes when they don’t turn out to be for Ticket Weird. We are not out of the woods and we won’t be until 6 January.

But today I’m grabbing the joy and grace and gratitude that last week brought to the entire country.



©2024 Bas Bleu


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