Wednesday, July 10, 2024

No step on snek

Will ya look who came by for a visit at the weekend?

He’s the first one I’ve seen since I moved here, and I almost missed him. I was watching a squirrel with an apparently heavy butt (wondering if it might be pregnant), and my gaze moved from it into the middle ground, where I saw the black thing.

It took me a couple of seconds to fit together the optical information and conclude, “snake”; then I fumbled the camera. So the video I got is pretty crappy.

He's passing between the green pot of herbs and the empty black pot. You can see how unconcerned the squirrel is.

Keep an eye on the extreme foreground; he's going at the edge of the house. Yes, I really need to wash that window, but I'm not doing it until mosquito season has passed.

Clearly he had places to go, and did not linger.



©2024 Bas Bleu



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