Friday, May 10, 2024

On the boat to heaven

It was rather a roundabout way on Bluesky (as things often are on SoMe) that I came to today’s earworm.

Someone skeeted an AP story about one of the winners of the $1.3B Powerball lottery. Guy’s an immigrant from Laos, was a machinist at an aerospace company and he’s suffering from cancer. His comment on his net of $422M for him and his wife (they took the lump sum and split their winnings evenly with a friend who chipped in $100 to buy a bunch of tickets) was that now he’d “find a good doctor for myself.”

The commentary ran to “now that I won $200M I can finally afford decent healthcare,” which is a fair take. And one person added, “America, the land of opportunity. The Oldest Established Permanent Floating Crap Game in the world.”

Which of course features large in Guys and Dolls, so my contribution was “Sit down, you’re rockin’ the boat.” One of my favorite numbers in one of my favorite musicals. So here we are.

©2024 Bas Bleu

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