Friday, September 3, 2021

I ask the faithful light

We’re coming to the end of another cycle of my morning walks with the moon. That’s one of the benefits of starting out before dawn, watching Artemis expand and contract as she carries out her nightly duties.

Here she was early last week, nearly at full, brilliant in the sky:

Here she was on Tuesday morning, wrapped in clouds:

And here she was yesterday, all worn down and ready for a couple of nights' rest:

Her brother Apollo has been a bit of a slacker of late. He made a couple of tries, but he looked rather like he’d come in from a night on the tiles.

However, yesterday he came out after Ida, acting like he’s the hero of the universe.

Well—but today’s earworm is about Artemis. It’s “Moonshadow”, by Yusuf Islam; Cat Stevens, as was. In retrospect, it’s a tad on the gruesome side—rather like many of Grimm’s fairytales. But I’m focusing on the moon part.




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