Monday, October 12, 2020

Gratitude Monday: trifecta

Friday evening I was eating dinner and I heard a knock at the door. I ignored it because it was 2045 and I was eating dinner. (Pro tip: if I’m not expecting anyone, when someone knocks on my door I ignore it. Just because someone’s there doesn’t mean I have to answer it. Same with phone calls.)

But Saturday morning I found a package on the walk, and I was a little confused. I’d already received the 15lbs of bird seed I’d ordered, and I wasn’t expecting anything else. But when I opened it, here’s what I found:

Well—quite the nice acknowledgement from our EVP for launching a brand new platform, a project that has chewed up countless hours over the past six months, in addition to keeping the old platform on life support.

But this other thing arrived on Friday as well:

Not only am I locked and loaded to vote before 3 November, I think this should satisfy the Commonwealth DMV’s requirement for “proof of address” so I can get my bloody driver’s license.

So treble gratitude today: civic responsibility and privilege ready and some bubbly to wash it down with.




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