Monday, August 3, 2020

Gratitude Monday: not even Solomon

Back when Sidney Poitier won his Oscar for The Lilies of the Field, I had no idea what lilies were. I mean, I’d seen Easter lilies, and calla lilies; neither of those impressed me much, so I had no notion of how Solomon in all his glory would fall short of theirs.

Also—there were no lilies in the film, which was besides in black and white, so I was just lost.

However, about 25 years ago when I took a flower arranging course, I fell in love with their beauty and their scent. I planted stargazers and tigers and days in my garden so I could have them every year.

Well, I’ve not got around to planting much in my garden—still have a lot of soil amendment to do, but people around the People’s Republic do, and I have purely loved seeing them during my walks. I’ll share some pix with you for Gratitude Monday, because we should all enjoy their glory.