Monday, June 22, 2020

Gratitude Monday: Mod cons

This weekend was a bit of a mixed bag for me. Mostly because my air conditioning system went belly-up on Saturday. After consulting Google, and messing with the thermostat some, I’ve concluded that the problem does not lie there. A couple of reboots and some fiddling, and it was sending the message as far as the blower, but it wasn’t reaching the compressor outside.

Both the AC and the furnace were old enough to drink legally when I bought the place, so I’m grateful for nearly two and a half years of them working, but man, am I an AC baby. (That was one of my biggest whines about living in Europe: they really haven’t taken to AC. And don’t get me started about Seattle—those people have no excuse.) And technicians from the HVAC company I called three times on Saturday (and once yesterday) did not call back—evidently if you don’t “need service before the next business day”, they can’t be arsed.

But it could have been worse—at around 1830 on Saturday I walked into the kitchen to discover that the microwave, toaster oven, half-freezer and wine cooler were dead. The circuit breaker was fine, so I couldn’t figure out what to do. But I Know A Guy—and when I called him, he diagnosed that one of the GFCIs must have blown. And it turns out he was right. What a relief.

So today, I’m grateful for the comfort of AC. I’m grateful that this weekend the temperature indoors has not exceeded 79F. I’m grateful that I’ve got a recommendation for another HVAC company. I’m grateful for the remote electrical service. I’m grateful that all my appliances are working. And I’m grateful that if I have to replace the AC unit, I can afford it.

Seems like a goodly portion of gratitude.

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