Monday, November 21, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Sunlight through trees

As we move through November and watch the Kleptocrat-elect go low at every possible opportunity (Administration picks racists, anti-Semites, science-deniers and chicken hawks? Check. Blurring the settlement of a multi-year, multi-million-dollar fraud case with a pouty tweet-storm about people in a theatre and a TV show exercising their First Amendment rights? Check. Laying the groundwork for pimping out the Presidential office for personal business gains? Oh, hell, check.), I’m really having to reach to find things to be grateful for.

Things that take me away from awareness that this cataclysm is upon us.

I found one as I was driving around Northern Virginia to stock up on grocery supplies for the holidays. It’s been so long since I’ve lived in a place where the leaves change colors before they drop that I’d forgotten what a joy that experience is. Because the sun filtering through an avenue of autumn-yellow leaves turns your whole world golden.

So for this, today, I am grateful.

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