Monday, November 14, 2016

Gratitude Monday: Die Vereidigung

It’s a short one today. On this Gratitude Monday, as I watch the revolting scramble by Repugnants to haul out all their plans to dismantle democracy on their way to be first in line to kiss the Chaos Monkey’s ring, I give thanks for the fact that our armed services swear an oath to defend the Constitution of the United States. 

(Congressmorons do, too. But they've made it quite clear that they don't mean it.)

The Executive and Legislative branches of our government have devolved into the structure of a banana republic; I’m not sure about the Judicial, although of course the Supreme Court is now on eBay.

But I hold out hope that our military will never pledge loyalty to a single human being, named or unnamed, or to render unconditional obedience to anything except the Constitution. 

And that’s all I can muster at the moment.

1 comment:

The Pundit's Apprentice said...

As one who has been swinging wildly between utter panic and cautious hope about the impending quakeup of our government, I found myself automatically nodding in agreement with your expression of confidence in the institutions, integrity, and instincts of our military personnel. And then I remembered the frothed mouthings of Trump's most vocal military supporters against Hillary Clinton, and noted the fact that 88 military retirees, including several dozen flag-rank officers, had signed a public endorsement of his candidacy and his policies. As one who spent all of my long government career in close association with literally hundreds of military people, I can name more than a dozen poured from the same tinpot who were or became general officers. Over time, Newt Gingrich and John Bolton, aided by these retirees, will be able to identify and promote enough of their ilk to apply a hard right rudder to the ship of state.