Friday, June 26, 2015

See who salutes

There’s been a whole lotta verbiage flying around the country about what’s loosely referred to as “the Confederate flag”, and whether it should be flown…well, anywhere.

Here’s what I have to say about that: The battle flag of the Confederacy does not belong on any governmental property within the United States in an official capacity. (If, at some time or in some parallel universe, there is a sovereign entity that chooses that banner as its official standard, they are free to stick it up any flagpole they so desire.)

On private property, I say do as you damn well please. Freedom of expression is enshrined in the First Amendment to the Constitution, which applies to everyone, even those who wish that the particular war represented by that flag had turned out differently. Men and women for the last two hundred or so years have died for your right to do exactly that, so you’re welcome. And I don’t expect you to pick up on the irony of this situation.

I do think everyone should step back from the blizzard of metaphoric flag-waving and -burning and take a few deep breaths. We need to get our focus off the symbol and pay attention to the issues beneath it. You know—treat the disease rather than dab at the symptoms. Racism, fear, injustice, inequality…and like that. Wrapping yourself in any piece of colored cloth doesn’t actually cover up the fact that you’re stitch stark naked when it comes to dealing with very real social problems.

Meanwhile—here’s a flag that should insult everyone.

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