Friday, June 12, 2015

Pay what?

I was walking around the Cupertino library/city hall complex the other day, when I noticed this:

Yes, smack in the civic center of the Home of the iPhone there is a pay telephone. Go figure.

But when I got up close, I saw that it’s not branded with any recognizable service provider; no Verizon or AT&T. The only thing written on it was, which is a manufacturer of equipment. I don’t know who provides the connection, and I didn’t drop a quarter into the slot to find out.

I was too bemused by the whole back-to-the-last-century-ness of the whole thing. Maybe people just use it as a prop for selfies. Yeah, that’ll be it.


The History Anorak said...

Art installation?

Bas Bleu said...

That possibility occurred to me. Hipster-ironic installation art. Next time I should pick up the handset & see if there's a recording of Steve Jobs...