Friday, October 5, 2012

Social death

You know, the interesting thing about this story in the WSJ about prospective college students being hoisted on their own social networking petards is the juxtaposition of the Millennials’ technological sophistication and personal naiveté.

They post all kinds of stuff on their Facebook, Google+, Tumblr and other sites (and allow their friends to post all kinds of more stuff on ditto), and are then surprised that someone—a potential employer, or college admissions officer, or Granny—views it and draws some conclusions about how they spend their time.

Really, it’s kind of cute: “I’ve got this Cloak of Invisibility thing going, so I can be totally outrageous with my peeps, but there won’t be any unintended consequences. That Weiner guy? Total loser. That’ll never happen to me.”

Yeah, right.

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