Friday, September 11, 2015

License to drive

In California, more than anywhere else I’ve lived, you are what you drive. I noticed that big time when I was working in the film industry in LA back in the last century, and it hasn’t changed for the Valley They Call Silicon here in the future.

I confess to getting a bit of a kick out of seeing how people project themselves via various configurations of metal and means of propulsion. (Twenty years ago I would have specified internal combustion types; but that’s so last-millenium. There’s literally a Tesla dealership down the street from me, and maybe 20% of cars around here are either all-electric or hybrid.)

So imagine my take on this particular 7-series BMW:

I mean, is it someone with multiple personalities or someone who can't fit his/her head into the vehicle?

Well, they don’t call them vanity plates for nothing.

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