Thursday, June 18, 2015

Library science

Remember how the Santa Clara County Library District was revamping its computer systems? Well, so far I’m not impressed.

Back pre-new-and-improved I got two kinds of emails: a “materials ready for pick-up at library” notice and a “materials coming due at library” notice. They were clearly distinguished by the subject line.

Well, since the installation of the new system, here’s what the former looks like:

And here’s the latter:

I don’t know how they could have made them less informative. (Unless they want to go down the route of my healthcare provider, who send out “new important stuff from us” emails, which require you to log onto their website to see what they designate as important.)

I’m particularly annoyed by the lack of link to the library’s site so you can actually renew the checked-out item(s). That used to be there. Perhaps it’s cheaper to send out emails without links?

Because I’m thinking that saving money is high on their list. Witness the self-service checkout terminals at the Cupertino branch:

There used to be twice as many in that row. I’m wondering if they sold the missing ones on eBay?

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