Monday, June 8, 2015

Gratitude Monday: Nesting instinct

You may recall last year that I told you about a pair of ducks that annually raises a clutch of ducklings in the atrium of an office building in Mountain View. I think they developed that as their brooding destination because of the faux pond/stream environment that seemed like the thing to spend space on in the 1980s, when that building was built.

What with the drought here in California (which is turning from the Golden State to the Brown and Dusty State), the building’s management company turned off what little water it had allowed to go stagnant there over the past months. I therefore thought that Mama and Papa Duck would have to find another location for their family activities this year.

However, I was wrong. Early last month I was pleasantly surprised to discover Mama with a trail of five ducklings scuttling about the walkway.

I mean, for raising your spirits, it’s hard to beat ducklings.

But the next week when I went back looking for them, I was told that they were gone. The building holds a number of startups (of the 13 guys and a dog variety), which come and go with some speed. Apparently someone from one of them (who hadn’t been there in previous years) ratted them out to animal services, who came and scooped them all up.

I don’t know where they’ve gone. No doubt it’s some approved duck sanctuary, but how will Papa Duck find them? The high tech hotshots broke up a stable family with their meddling.

Even so—I’m grateful I got to see them again this year, and I wish Mama and babies all the best, wherever they may be.

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