Monday, September 28, 2020

Gratitude Monday: Everyday special

Shortly after I moved to the environs of The District They Call Columbia for the first time (sheesh—more than 25 years ago!), my friend Suzi in the Research Triangle area sent me four cut-crystal glasses. She described going into Belk—one of the snootier department stores in the South, and picking out the stemware, referring to them as wine glasses.

The sales woman (whom I can well picture as having carefully-arranged greying hair, a tailored suit and tasteful jewelry) admonished her.

 No, deah, these ah watah goblets.”

Suzi—originally from New Jersey, and preferring beer to wine—replied, “No, [Bas Bleu] really likes her wine.”

The woman sniffed, but a sale’s a sale.

They’re absolutely gorgeous, and for a long time I was reluctant to use them except for special occasions. Only no occasion was ever special enough. So I’ve finally pulled them off the high shelf and have been using them for everyday.

Turns out they make the ordinary occasion special. And I’m grateful for that.



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