Monday, February 19, 2024

Gratitude Monday: under-performance

Weather forecast for the District They Call Columbia last week called for a winter storm Friday night. Prediction was two to four inches of snow, I think.

I do not hide that I was freaked out. Not because of the snow per se; if I don’t have to drive anywhere, I’m fine with it. Until I have to shovel my sidewalk.

But I’d volunteered to help with the setup Friday afternoon for the annual Presidents Day weekend book sale at a friend’s temple in Alexandria. Which is across Fairfax County from me in the People’s Republic. And my time slot was 1400-1600. Frankly, I was quadruple freaked out at the thought of having to drive back in DC rush hour traffic in a snow storm. Because everyone here (including me) does not know how to drive in snow.


The book sale prep didn’t take as long as expected. I was on the road before 1500 and traffic was only normally insane. Got home by 1600. Snow didn’t start until after 2200 and turned out to be a bit of a damp squib. Nothing stuck to any paved surface and I was able to take my usual walk without danger of striking ice.

You have no idea how grateful I am for all of this.



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