Friday, February 16, 2024

Sing a psalm

As you’re no doubt aware, the Valentine’s Day celebration of the Kansas City Chiefs’ win in last Sunday’s sporting event ended with—quelle surprise—a mass shooting. One dead and at least 21 wounded; 11 of the victims are children.

God bless the NRA.

At time of writing, three people have been arrested; it seems to have originated in some kind of "personal dispute" among the perps. Which might have ended in a fistfight except military-grade weapons for everybody! Before learning this, I posited that, this being the land of Mah Freedumb, it could well be “I hate Taylor Swift;” or “There were all those targets;” or “It’s Wednesday.” And then it turns out that it was as close to motiveless as you can get and still send people to the hospital and the morgue.

So today’s earworm is Randy Rainbow’s “Thoughts and Prayers”. He recorded it in 2022, but it is, sadly, evergreen.


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