Tuesday, February 20, 2024


I shop at the Wegman’s in the People’s Republic even though it’s not as good as the store in Fairfax or even Dulles. It seems to have about 75% the size and inventory as those others, but it’s three miles away from my house as opposed to about 12 or 10, respectively.

I suppose that’s because it’s located on the ground floor of one of the apartment blocks that are popping up around here like fungus after a storm and therefore just has to make do. There was a big flapdoodle about where Wegman’s will build, something about needing X number of square footage for the actual facility plus about 3X for parking. Which is weird, because parking for this location is two layers of garage under the store.

To get to the upper parking level, you can take either an escalator or an elevator down. (There are no stairs. I suppose you could exit the store onto the sidewalk and then walk around to the driveway in to the garage, but that seems extreme.) The other day, the escalator was out of service, so I had to take the elevator.

I’m assuming I’m not the only person who’s unsure of which button to push to call the lift, because:


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