Monday, February 15, 2021

Gratitude Monday: Speaking of presidents...

There are some Mondays that I regret ever having committed to the Gratitude Monday thing. Not the thankfulness part; I’m a much happier person for opting to be grateful. But for having to cough up thanks right after something like 43 Republican senators deciding to appease a fat, old, diapered white man instead of upholding the rule of law and their oath of office.

I mean, some days this is just really hard, yo.

Well, hey ho, it’s Presidents Day, the conflation of the Old Times’ holidays commemorating Lincoln’s (12 February) and Washington’s (22 February) birthdays into a vanilla marking of all presidents, bless their hearts. (Fun fact: Although both days used to be federal holidays, south of the Mason-Dixon Line, no one got off on 12 February.) And this year, my company is celebrating it, so—yay, day off!

(This is new to the company. Rumor has it that management waited until a certain fat, old, diapered white man was out of the Oval Office before celebrating the day. I have no take on this, having only been here for 18 months. But in announcing Presidents Day, they also said we’re getting Juneteenth off annually, too. Interesting, no?)

And it occurs to me that I am truly grateful that we have an intelligent, compassionate, moral human as president; what a gift that is. Joe Biden was not my first choice, back during the primaries, but having him in the White House is akin to how I felt when I left LA and didn’t breathe in smog, or when I left Seattle and actually saw the sun. You don’t realize how awful it’s been until you step away from it, and then the relief is so great you want to cry.

Clearly, we have miles to go. And tons of shite to clear away. And it’s not going to be easy at all. But dear Lord, we have a real president. Gott sei Dank.




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