Friday, February 12, 2021

Is your money that good?

Watching the House impeachment managers’ making their case against the twice-impeached ex-president this week, I’ve had a hard time restraining myself from driving into DC and bitch slapping every damned R senator. I mean—how they can view footage of them missing by seconds being caught by a rampaging mob that wouldn’t have cared whose blood they shed barely a month ago in the very Capitol in which they are sat right now and stick to their pre-determined acquittal vote is just beyond me.

A bigger pack of jellyweases—morals of a weasel on the spine of a jellyfish—you would be hard-pressed to find anywhere on the planet.

So when I went fishing for something musical to express my contempt for these empty husks of humanoids, the piece that came to mind was Bob Dylan’s “Masters of War.” He wrote it about the military-industrial complex (which still exists today—yay!) of the Vietnam War era, but his description of the slimy, cowardly, bloated fat cats living off the taxpayers’ dollars and blood certainly applies to the likes of Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz, John Kennedy, Mitch McConnell, Josh Hawley, Rand Paul, Rick Scott and all the rest of them.

I’m giving you Eddie Vetter singing it at the 30th Anniversary Tribute concert for Dylan. That rage-howling you hear in the background is me.



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