Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The stuff of nightmares

Well, it’s All Hallows Eve, so the 9th floor at work must be awash in blood and bones.

And so it is.

I’ve written before about our IT department’s relish for Halloween. From their humble beginnings in the server room two years ago, they expanded out into the atrium last year. I expected them to build on that platform, and indeed they did.

Way more skeletons, way more dark spirits, way more mayhem. Viz:




(I was looking for at least one of the players to have aces and eights, but I suppose—since they’re all already dead—it’s a moot point.)

However, I thought the particular deck of cards was a nice touch.

The stairs of our two sets of atria are built in the form of the double helix of DNA. Turns  out they were a good backdrop for a giant spider web. (The web turned out to be larger than one of the decorators had imagined from its online listing. But the staircase was up to the task.)

They must have enlisted the help of building services over the weekend to decorate, because hanging some of these specters required ladders, if not the electric scissors lift those guys use to swap out the big art pieces they hang there.


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