Monday, August 28, 2017

Gratitude Monday: the dog days

You know—we are well and truly in the dog days of summer, and yet for almost a week we here in the District They Call Columbia have had the most beautiful weather. Instead of temperatures and humidity adding up to a triple-digit heat index, it’s been more like high 70s-low 80s and practically no humidity at all.

I worked from home Wednesday through Friday, waiting for Comcast (don’t even ask) and a flock of electricians to come give estimates on various fixes needed about the place. And—mirabile dictu—I had the patio door and upstairs windows open all day, every day; no air conditioning needed.

It was wonderful listening to the birds out by the feeders during the day, and to whatever it is that makes night noises. (Even though at times I had to increase the volume on my TV to drown out the critters.) If you have not experienced a summer along the Mason-Dixon Line, you don’t know what a blessing this is.

So that’s my gratitude for today. Even though I’m still waiting for three of the five quotes to come in, I’ve had nearly a week of perfect summer weather.

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