Friday, August 25, 2017

Not-so-secret shade

It will come as no surprise to you when I state the blindingly obvious: we are living in strange, strange times, when a former body-builder and star of The Last Action Hero can rebuke the President of the United States for lack of moral compass.

It’s truly weird, because Arnold Schwarznegger has a history of being a dick. Look—just Google it, you’ll see. Literally, if you want. He’s had documented conversations that are right up there with grab ‘em by the pussy. And his inability to keep it in his trousers is as slimy a story as you’re going to encounter.

Moreover, it’s plausible that, back when the Kleptocrat started thinking about his run, he looked at Schwarznegger’s two-term stint as Governor of California and thought, “if that German asshole—he wouldn’t have made the distinction between German and Austrian—can be governor, I can be president.”

If so, Conan the Barbarian has a lot to answer for.

Whatever. You’ve probably seen this video of Schwarnegger schooling Li’l Donnie Two-Scoops on being a Nazi-hugging loser, but it’s worth revisiting.

However, it turns out that Schwarznegger is no stranger to throwing shade on politicians, as witnessed by this veto letter he sent to the California legislature in 2009 for a bill allocating funds for redeveloping the port of San Francisco:

Unremarkable, until you look at the first letter of each line.

I bring this up because we’ve been seeing this kind of thing recently in resignation letters submitted by various people the Kleptocrat had hoped to co-opt to lend credibility to his imperium. I have two examples, post-Charlottesville, from the Arts Council, and from the Science Envoy of the State Department.

Note the first letter of each paragraph—the message goes from RESIST to IMPEACH.

Naturally, the Kleptocrat will scoff that he don’t need no stinkin’ arts advisors, and we all know what he thinks about science. He hasn’t even bothered to lie about disbanding the organizations, as he did about his two CEO advisory councils.

But it is truly a bizarro universe where the immigrant has a better grasp of both our language and governmental processes than a sitting president, and where anti-regime messages hide in plain sight. I would not be at all surprised if I started seeing Vs scrawled on walls and hearing dot-dot-dot-dash tapped on coffeehouse tables.

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