Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Something for the roadmap, Facebook

I’ve installed a FireFox add-on that blocks Facebook ads—you know, the things that appear in the right-hand rail that are the result of web activity tracking cookies.

(Actually, I didn’t quite know what everyone was talking about when they complain about them until some FireFox extension kept crashing my browser, so I cleared off everything. Then—whoo, what a load of crap. So I fished out Adblock Plus and installed it again. Relief!)

But I still get some sponsored “suggestions”, which I’ve allowed (I think there is a way to expunge them, too, but they don’t bother me so much), including groups that friends may have joined, etc.

This one, I’m not so sure about:

As it turns out, this shows up every time I like something from UK Cop Humour. You know, the suggestion is—if you like UK Cop Humour, you might like these pages.

Well, no, not really. Might want to tweak your algorithm some, Facebook.

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