Thursday, November 7, 2013

Ecumenical sign of the times

I think this sign, which is on my walking route to the House of Skeletons, kind of summarizes the whole California gestalt:

I don’t know exactly which element takes precedence in terms of the California life—I mean, you’ve got Methodist, Lutheran and…um, I dunno sharing premises. In close temporal quarters—looks like the Methodists are still hanging about on their coffee hour when the Lutherans show up on a Sunday. And knowing how Lutherans like to settle in for gospels and stuff, I imagine they’re still there when the unknown denominational Koreans appear.

It’s not actually that unusual to see English-speaking congregations sharing with Chinese or Korean groups around here. It’s the ecumenicalism of this one that interests me.

Plus—you just gotta love a group that calls itself “The Very Good Church of Silicon Valley”. Or of anywhere else, for that matter.

Sorry to say that I missed the junque sale. 

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