Friday, May 31, 2013


One of the things you see a lot of on Twitter is, well, God-awful amounts of happy-clappy aphorisms that purport to be words of encouragement, but in fact are just mechanisms for getting the tweeter’s name/face into your feed.

A lot of the time the sayings are attributed to someone. Who may or may not be anyone you’ve ever heard of. (I certainly haven’t heard of many of them.) I suppose that if you cited Robert Browning when spewing forth a random collection of words, it would suddenly take on Deep Meaning. Or even Vince Lombardi. But Henry Cloud?

There are many people who churn this stuff out—they must have the tweets stockpiled. Because they come out in spurts, like someone turned on the spigot; then later they come out again. With the same drivel.

I’m going to give you just a quick sampling of ones I picked up over a very short period of time—because I’ve trained my eyes to skip over the people who tweeted or retweeted. & I'm not breaking training even to share with you.

Now, this one even invites you to RT. As bloody if.

I don’t even know what that one means. But apparently it’s key to both business & leadership. Which may explain quite a lot.

Uh—so why even bother?

&--if you’re not clear about the language, maybe you shouldn’t be handing out life-coaching wisdom.

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