Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Just call me Sneezy

Well, this is a bummer. Sunday I felt a sore throat coming on all day. I finally took some Neurofen Cold & Flu, a UK OTC product that’s the best defense against colds I’ve ever found. (I get it from a private supplier. ‘Nuff said.)

Monday I couldn’t decide whether it was working or not; the sore throat seemed to be in stasis but then I became way snottier than usual, if you get my drift. I that whole nose-blowing thing. Even when you use the really good tissues, your nose ends up getting all red & raw & it goes on forever. Ergo the Neurofen C&F.

I think I got a total of about four hours’ sleep Monday night—I kept waking up to sneeze & blow my nose. It was hardly worth it at all. Then, around 0600, I went into such a coughing fit that I actually dredged out my cough syrup with codeine in it. I’m serious—I thought a lung might be on its way up my throat.

(An interesting—to me—sidebar is that, in measuring out the cough syrup I spilled a little on the kitchen sink. When I wandered back out about 11 hours later, it looked to me like the stuff might be eating holes in the porcelain. Hmm.)

However, yesterday I spent the entire day (until 1700) in bed, sneezing, blowing, & eye watering. I can't recall the last time I spent the day in bed, but it would have been because I was unbelievably sick. If it weren’t for the actual sore (as opposed to scratchy) throat & the coughing fit, I might think I’m in a massive allergy attack. Only I haven’t had any allergies since leaving Virginia & I can’t think what could cause something to come on this fast & this overwhelming.

Plus—allergies never interfered with my appetite & I haven’t eaten anything since Monday morning. Heigh-ho…

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