Monday, December 5, 2011

Sunnyvale sites & sights Part 1

I like walking around my Sunnyvale neighborhood. Within a mile or so of my place there are Latino, Indian, Korean and other ethnic markets, seriously low-rent trailer parks and even a few remnants of the orchards that used to be here before it was Silicon Central.

The area is strictly lower- and middle-class cheek-by-jowl, although many of the unremarkable 50s to 70s ranch houses fetch well over $700K. (Apparently we're in the Cupertino school district, which adds substantial kick to your property value.)

The houses are largely cookie-cutter, but I find that the front yards are indeed individual.

I was walking past one such when I realized there was quite the lawn ornament:

And if you'll look closely at the plant on the left, you'll see that there is more to the defensive system than just the knight:

All plastic, of course--this is the Silicon Valley.

But I'd certainly like to meet the owners.

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