Friday, December 2, 2011

More snakes alive

As we enter the season of Advent, let me just say this: nothing says “holiday spirit” like letting loose a few score poisonous snakes in a tax office to protest officials demanding bribes, as reported in the Telegraph.

The story itself is weird enough; what makes it really striking (so to speak) is the video. I’m not quite understanding why there are still people in the office—I would certainly have beat feet at the first sign of a snake head. And I’m also unclear about the tactics of flapping cloths at the snakes.

I have to say that I see a lot of what we in the software business call “applications” for cobras: IRS offices; the DMV; shopping at Walmart (if you’ve run out of pepper spray). Don’t like the review your boss gave you? Drop a few snakes in her cube. Unhappy with the tip a diner left? Add a little “something” to his credit card receipt.

Why—Congress alone would be worth an entire colony of cobras.

Truly, the world would work a lot better if people packed poisonous reptiles.

And, as long as I’m on a slither, so to speak, the Telegraph has further video of a family jaunt that suddenly included a water moccasin popping out of the windscreen wiper vent.

What I don’t get is that they continue driving for so long after the snake appeared.

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