Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bonfire of the vanities

No doubt you’ve heard the news of what’s being called the costliest car crash ever: a 14-vehicle crash on a highway in Japan. It involved varying degrees of destruction of eight Ferraris, three Benzes and a Lamborghini.

Evidently there was this convoy of high-end cars headed to a meeting of sports car enthusiasts in Hiroshima when the driver of one of the Ferraris tried to change lanes. He crashed into the median barrier and spun out across the highway. No human fatalities, but a lot of damaged egos, and I’m guessing some car insurance execs are not looking forward to a happy year end.

I like the way the spokesman for the traffic police referred to the drivers, aged 37 to 60: “A gathering of narcissists.” I’m betting that they are also all male.

Evidently there were also a couple of Toyotas in the mash-up. Probably collateral damage.

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